No one goes into a marriage anticipating that it will end in divorce, so when you find yourself in need of the services of a divorce lawyer, it can be a very stressful time in your life. Rather than let that stress run away with you, however, it's important that you take all the steps you can to make sure you stay active and informed in the process.
Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should ask your divorce lawyer as the process begins. By having the answers to these questions, you can be confident that your attorney is an advocate working on your behalf, and that you've done everything you can to make sure your interests remain protected.
Ask About Direct Negotiations
Not all divorces are particularly acrimonious, and in some cases, it's possible for spouses to work together throughout the process. While this can help to cut down on the number of hours your attorney bills, you also need to be careful that you're not causing yourself unintended financial damage.
Asking your attorney how he or she feels about a direct negotiation process should provide you with sufficient guidance. Your lawyer will be able to instruct you about which topics you should avoid, and may even be able to give you some helpful tips for a successful mediation.
Ask About Reporting Deadlines
A successful divorce proceeding relies on the open and accurate exchange of information. This means that you'll be responsible for gathering documents in a timely fashion as well as verifying their accuracy, and this amount of responsibility can occasionally seem overwhelming.
Your attorney will be able to walk you through the time-frame of when certain things may be required and can probably assist you in gathering some of the paperwork that's required. This will allow you to keep your focus on other tasks in your life that require it while simultaneously reassuring you that you're doing all you can to be an active participant in your divorce process.
Ask About Communication
Many people find themselves frustrated at the pace of a divorce court and, as such, that frustration bleeds over into their relationship with their attorney. Rather than allowing yourself to be annoyed by a perceived lack of new information, you should work with your lawyer to develop a consistent communication schedule. Having calls or meetings to look forward to will allow you to feel a consistent sense of progress as well as guarantee that you won't miss out on any important new information.