Hacks may seem to happen to huge websites such as major retail chains and credit bureaus. Unfortunately for every business owner, hacking is something known to happen to businesses large and small. Even with good security through your web host, you may still find that your company is on the receiving end of a hacking. If this does happen, there are several things that you need to do to protect yourself and protect your clients. Here are some helpful tips on reacting to a hacking of your website.
Hire an attorney
Before you even know the depth of the hack, it is a good idea to hire a cybersecurity law firm to represent you. The law firm will be able to help you develop statements to put out if you need to go public for the sake of your customers. A law firm that has a cybersecurity basis will be able to tell you what the cyber laws are for your state when you are going after hackers or when customers are going after you for damages. With your business attorney, go over your options to determine your next steps.
Determine if it was your server
When your business is hacked, it is possible that you were not the primary target. Some hacks are a crime of opportunity, meaning that you were just caught in the crossfire. Determine if there were other websites that share your server that had been hacked. If it is true that there were other websites on your same web host server, chances are someone else was the primary target. If you talk to your website host and find out that a number of websites on a server had been hacked, you should consider changing website hosts or upgrading your website to a more secure server. Your website host will have a number of different options that can resecure your website.
Renegotiate your security
If hackers are able to access your system you will need to renegotiate the terms of your website security. This first means changing all of your passwords to your systems. You may also need to call up to your website host to explain the issue and get a report for the hacking incident. Further encryption for your website pages, contact details, and payment processing should be performed so that you and your customers are guarded against any further hacking attempts. Beefing up your security will make you and your customers safer.
For more information, visit websites like http://www.vanblk.com.