Every day, people are involved in car accidents, some of them serious or even deadly.
And, sadly, many of these accidents could have been avoided if the at-fault driver was just paying more attention to the road.
If you have recently been involved in a vehicle accident, consider whether or not the other driver was negligent. If so, you may want to contact a lawyer to learn about your options for getting justice and retribution from the at-fault motorist, both of which can often be greater if negligence can be proven.
Speeding is one of the most common types of negligent driving and, thankfully, it is typically very easy to prove since law enforcement officers often make a note of estimated speed when evaluating an accident scene.
If you suspect that the other driver may have been going well above the posted speed limit, thus causing your accident or increasing its severity, contact an attorney immediately. You might just be entitled to much more than just what the insurance company offers up.
Texting while driving has become a serious and all-too-common issue in recent years.
If you saw the other driver glancing at their phone just before they slammed into you or if phone records can prove that the person was texting just before the accident occurred, you might have a legitimate claim on your hands.
Sadly, many people choose to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking too much or taking illegal or even legal drugs that have impairing effects.
Officers often test both parties for drug or alcohol use at the scene of an accident, especially if one driver seems visibly impaired.
If the at-fault driver in your case was impaired in some way, proving negligence is easy, particularly if law enforcement arrested or charged the individual with a DUI or DWI.
Ticketed Offenses
Just as a DUI or DWI charge will make it easy to prove the other driver was negligent, so does almost any other type of legal charge against the other driver.
If the driver was charged with failing to signal, for example, or with an illegal lane change or some other infraction, know that you can often seek and receive more retribution than just what is originally offered to you.
No one deserves to fall victim to a negligent driver. If this ever happens to you, however, and you're fortunate enough to come out alive, make your next move a trip to the office of a car accident attorney.